apple sketch

Red Apple Oil Sketching/ Painting tutorial/ Speed painting

🎨 One more sketch from the fruit and vegetable series – sweet red apple. Its round form is simple and complex at one time. The bright red skin of the fruit is shiny and reflects every color from around.⏱Time: 10 minutes 👩‍🎨 Materials: oil paints, linseed oil, cardboard, brushes, palette knife ***** 🎨Еще один скет […]

Red Apple Oil Sketching/ Painting tutorial/ Speed painting Read More »

Quince Oil Sketching 2.0/ Painting tutorial/ Speed painting

🎨 It was a very strange fruit in its form. It was interesting to paint it.This sweety quince was eaten as fast as soon it was painted 🙂 ⏱Time: 10 minutes 👩‍🎨 Materials: oil paints, linseed oil, cardboard, brushes, palette knife *****🎨 Очень странная форма была у этого фрукта. Интересно было рисовать его. Я съела

Quince Oil Sketching 2.0/ Painting tutorial/ Speed painting Read More »
